Shopping List - Future Past

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Kitchen Living Room White Bathroom Black Bathroom Bedroom Build Mode Outside Walls & Floors
Object Creator File name Where To Find
counters SM Lust smlblackcounter2.iff 7 Deadly Sims
stove, disposal, dishwasher, sink, espresso Maxis n/a TS
fridge Brianna WDS927minifridge.iff Well Dressed Sim (Pay Site)
toaster Teresa sftftoaster.iff Sim Freaks (freebie)
plant Tiffany sftrmoriscoglobeplantTS.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
b/w photos Sandy ATS_Photography_Ronis#08.iff, ATS_Photography_Ronis#10.iff,
Around The Sims
pet dish LisaAnne pickpetfoodxblack.iff PickleSims
hanging lamp Robyn WDS21lampceilingrbnHD.iff Well Dressed Sim (freebie)
table Shoukeir blackgranitetable074204.iff SuperSims
chairs BriAnna WDSCHARKchairHD.iff Well Dressed Sim (freebie)
rug Tuliprain TRRugModElegant.iff Studio Sim
Object Creator File name Where To Find
square rugs Shoukeir realliferug407.iff SuperSims
cube chairs Ikbod 01issquchairgreen.iff, 01issquchaircamel.iff
floor lamp SM Lust smlmichaelalamp1.iff 7 Deadly Sims
loveseat Sim Designs sd_spclseat.iff Sim Designs
sectional couch Rachel racharmchair09.iff, rachcornerunit.iff Trinkets & Treasures
coffee table Shoukeir orientcoffeetable249117.iff SuperSims
wall tv 7DS 7dsteensettv.iff 7 Deadly Sims
hanging lamp belampceiling.iff
wall hangings pktechgirl pktg_art-thaisilk10.iff Juniper Sun
guitar Maxis n/a LL
radio Shoukeir citystyleradio230696.iff SuperSims
desk PJ sfpjBAdesk.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
computer Maxis n/a TS?
desk chair 7DS BauhausSetDiningChair.iff 7 Deadly Sims
White Bathroom
Object Creator File name Where To Find
hanging lantern pktechgirl pktg_bbblampwhite.iff Juniper Sun
shower Junet openshower25072.iff Junet's Sims
toilet Giselle Gi_MasculineBathToilet.iff Fashion Show
sink Sim Bears sbsink1.iff The Sims Resource (Pay Site)
bathtub 8DS 8DSBathtub.iff 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
medicine chest Maxis n/a TS
Black Bathroom
Object Creator File name Where To Find
hanging lantern pktechgirl pktg_bbblampblack.iff Juniper Sun
mirror 8DS 8DSMirror.iff 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
sink pktechgirl pktg_obj25-bbbsink.iff Juniper Sun
toilet Heather sfhcEclipseToilet.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
bathtub Debra Long sfdllgonefishingtub.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
shower SunAir saobj246bshower271731.iff SunAirSims
flowers Steve objst_arcoplantfloor.iff Fashion Show
Object Creator File name Where To Find
pet bed (black) Lisa Anne Pickle Sims
plastic chairs Rachel rachchair08a.iff, rachchair08c.iff Trinkets & Treasures
chessboard BriAnna WDSHONFchess.iff Well Dressed Sim (Pay Site)
step bookcase Shoukeir bookcase420320hp.iff SuperSims
mirror Dincer dhultramirror.iff Dincer's
globe chair SM Lust 8dssmldaninos8ds.iff 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
plant 8DS 8DSStripClubPlant.iff 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
bar sign sfdgLlamaLagerNeonMug.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
endtables Steve Fs_st_blacksetendtable.iff Fashion Show
alarm clock 7DS 7dsteensetalarmclock.iff 7 Deadly Sims
bed Dincer dhultrabed.iff Dincer's
red flags noren_red.iff
lamp Lachelle liuslhpowersdesklamp.iff LIU
low bookcase Secret Sims SecretSims
s-shaped bookcase Shoukeir blackgranitebookcase074201.iff SuperSims
red lamps Fairy Witch 01fwretroceilinglampred.iff Bewitched
red seat Shoukeir redlinechair817645.iff SuperSims
dresser Christina ccaredtansudresser.iff Sims Interior Design
recliner Rachel rachsofa08b.iff Trinkets & Treasures
rug Koyen BNJ_lvrug03.iff BNJ X LVR
Build Mode Objects
Object Creator File name Where To Find
exterior doors Raveena RavBlackGlassDoor.iff The Sims Resource (Pay Site)
big deco window Raveena RavAbstractWindow.iff The Sims Resource (Pay Site)
2-tile glass window NttChris sfnttchrisWinPlateGlassBig.iff Sim Freaks (paysite)
3-tile glass window Maxis n/a Hot Date
white windows, interior doors, privacy windows Maxis n/a TS
bedroom windows Maxis n/a Livin Large
black blinds Simorphor simorphorwindowsblinds04.iff Simorphor
fence Shoukeir fencehd921296.iff SuperSims
Object Creator File name Where To Find
scratching post LisaAnne Pickpetpostblack.iff Pickle Sims
porch seats Rachel rachsofa07.iff, rachrecliner02.iff, racharmchair01.iff Trinkets & Treasures
wall lamp 8DS 8DSWallLight.iff 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
large palm Maxis n/a Vacation?
grasses Koromo KGrassFescueAutumn.iff Persimmon Grove
droopy plant Theresa sftfYardPlant1.iff Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
vase SavageSet_Vase.iff
Walls & Floors
Description Creator File name Where To Find
exterior wall Rachel rachextbrkwhite.wll Trinkets & Treasures
exterior stones Maxis n/a Unleashed?
kitchen wall Camilla nts_vl_domeoramaA4.wll NightTime Sims
kitchen & livingroom floor Heather sfWhitmore-Harvest.flr Sim Freaks (Pay Site)
livingroom wall SM Lust smlretro44.wll 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
"rug" in livingroom pk techgirl pktg_rib-miscflr1.flr Juniper Sun
white bathroom wall Maxis?
white bathroom floor Maxis n/a unknown
black bathroom wall Maxis n/a LL? HP?
black bathroom floor STPCarly barfloor01.flr 8th Deadly Sim (Pay Site)
bedroom wall Nicole starswall.wll Nicole's Sims
bedroom rug Heather sfberDarkGrey.flr Sim Freaks (Pay Site)